Special thanks to Kristen Grandfield, Yale - New Haven Teacher Institute

Tablets I & II
Tablet One (p. 3 - 12)
Tablet One begins with Gilgamesh admiring the city walls of Uruk. Gilgamesh is 2/3 god and 1/3 human. He is a king who has superhuman abilities. These abilities are not something he does not know. He is not a kind king because of his youth and excessive pride. The people of Uruk call on the god, Anu, to help them against the rule of Gilgamesh. In response to the people, Anu created Enkidu, a wild beast of a man who lives in the forest. Enkidu is created to rival Gilgamesh and teach him humility and friendship.
While in the forest, a trapper comes across the wild, Enkidu, and Shamhat, a harlot, is sent to "tame" Enkidu with her sexuality. She approaches him and says:
You are handsome, Enkidu, you are become like a god.
Why roam the steppe with wild beasts? Come, let me lead you to unramparted Uruk
(Foster, The Epic of Gilgamesh, p.9)
If Enkidu gives in to this temptation, he will lose his strength and wildness, but will gain knowledge and understanding. Once his strength is lost, he is upset but learns he will be able to go into the city to meet Gilgamesh.
During this time, Gilgamesh has two dreams. Both dreams have something (a meteorite and an axe) arrive at his door. Gilgamesh's mother translates these dreams to mean that a great force will come to Uruk but will be a help to him both physically and mentally (Foster The Epic of Gilgamesh, p.10 - 12).
FFW (5 min):
- What makes a good leader?- Does Gilgamesh have these qualities yet?
Tablet Two (p.13 - 22) Enkidu enters the city and finds Gilgamesh forcing all the brides to be in the city to sleep with him first. "He mates with the lawful wife. He first, the groom after" (Foster. The Epic of Gilgamesh, p.15). Clearly, this is an abuse of his power and Enkidu is infuriated by this. They battle and although Gilgamesh wins the battle, he realizes Enkidu's strength and they embrace becoming the best of friends.
After the battle, Enkidu and Gilgamesh spend time in the city becoming lazy and bored by city life. Gilgamesh, always the epic hero, proposes that they take a journey into the Great Cedar Woods and chop down all the cedar trees. This might not be a problem if it were not for Humbaba, the keeper of the Great Cedar Woods. Enkidu does not think this is a great idea but follows Gilgamesh anyway.
FFW (5 min):
- Gilgamesh and Enkidu develop their friendship here. What are qualities of a strong friendship? Do you foresee these two men being able to maintain a strong friendship?
Reflection: main takeaways from today's lesson?
Student Demographics Survey (required of all students to receive Bard College credits)